What We Love Wednesday – Kristen + Laura

Kristen + Laura

Today I’m excited to introduce an up and coming singer/songwriter duo – Kristen + Laura.  

Laura and I met at West Point in 2013, where we each had baby girls just a couple of days apart.  Anytime someone asks, “If you could do anything what would it be?,” my answer is always the same: “Be able to sing like Laura!”  🙂 

Kristen and Laura help lead worship at Max Lucado’s church – Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, TX.  They just recently started writing songs together and have a brand new song coming out today!

Let’s get to know Kristen + Laura:

Stephanie: So, first things first – How can people follow you and check out your music?

K: Our FB page (Kristen + Laura), Instagram (kristen.laura.music), on YouTube @ Kristen + Laura Music and our new website: www.kristenlauramusic.com

Stephanie: So, what is your story? How did you come together to write music?

K: We met in January during a songwriting workshop at our church, where we were actually never paired to write together!  We immediately connected and made an effort to start writing together after the workshop ended. We felt really passionate about writing songs for our congregation that synced with our heart cries and that paralleled our pastors sermons. Pastor Max’s new upcoming series was titled Unshakeable Hope and it was full of standing on the Promises of God. We were instantly inspired and started writing immediately!

L: We officially started writing on this project earlier this summer!

Stephanie: What is the heartbeat of your ministry?

K: To equip the church with songs that honor Christ, and resonate in their hearts.

L: When we were trying to think of a clever name, (before we settled on our actual names lol), we kept going back to the words ‘overflow’ and ‘abide’. We said, ‘what are we doing when we write?’ And the answer was we were sitting and listening and leaning into Christ. We were letting Him write these songs. We were letting Him minister to us over certain situations and over verses and by abiding in Him, the overflow spilled over into these songs and this is what we got! 🙂

Stephanie: I love your new song Come and See! What is the story behind this song?

K: Good question! It’s funny, that song actually started as a few different songs. I had a piece the “Come and See” chorus from another song, and Laura a piece of the “Hallelujah” bridge from a different song. Once we started writing out of Revelation 21 together, we knew those pieces fit perfectly!

Stephanie: Exciting things are happening for you guys!  What is on the horizon?
L: More songs! Now that we’ve released a few acoustic videos with #promisesproject, people are asking where they can get the songs so our hopes are to record an EP soon! We also have been writing quite a bit for another project and it’s so exciting! Honestly, it’s just going to be wherever God takes us, and that’s exactly where we want to be 🙂

Stephanie: I always ask guests on my blog: What would you say to someone standing at the edge of their dream?  Many people have big dreams and plans and yet they just aren’t sure what to do.  You ladies took the plunge – what you say?

K: That’s a hard question to answer! For us it feels more like a calling than a dream. I’d say if this is a calling God has placed on your life, then nothing can stand in the way of it. Be patient, be diligent, lean in and learn to know the whisper of the Holy Spirit. He’ll tell you what to do and when to do it!

Be sure to check out Kristen + Laura’s music and follow them to keep up with their journey!

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