What We Love Wednesday – Brute Force Sandbag

What We Love Wednesday – Brute Force Sandbags

A few months ago my husband announced, “I’m going to order you a sandbag.”  I rolled my eyes, but he insisted.

See, I used to go to the gym 4-5 days a week.  At my best in New York, I was consistently running, actually improving my times and training for my first triathlon.  I had two young kids and my husband was deployed – I had nothing but time for long workouts and routinely used my daily max of 2 hours for childcare at my local Y.

Fast forward six years and gym time is now basically impossible.  I know, I know…there are many homeschooling moms that consistently knock it out at the gym.  However, I’ve just struggled with how to fit in workouts consistently while juggling a baby that gets up at 6AM, nursing, naps, teaching school, making 456 meals and snacks a day, writing, co-ops, church responsibilities, etc…

Throwing school work in the car and going to the gym 3 mornings a week has just never worked for us and no matter what time I get up to workout, my little guy knows when my feet hit the floor.

I’ve done body weight type workouts at home for a while, but I had no accountability, no real plan and my fitness suffered.

Enter the sandbag.  As my husband promised, it has been the answer to my fitness needs at this stage in my life.

There are many different sandbags on the market, but we have the Brute Force Athlete bag, which holds up to 75 lb. of sand.  The bag comes with inner, removable bags that you fill with sand to your desired weight.

My favorite part is the accompanying app that provides daily workout.  They normally take less than 30 minutes and I can a lot of them in my house during nap times.  If a workout includes sprints, I either do them on my sidewalk or sub stair runs inside.

Since we move a lot, I love that we don’t have to haul around heavy kettle bells or weight benches.  When we are ready to move, we simply dump the sand out and pack the empty bags.

It may not be a crossfit gym or a 10 mile run – but it certainly gets the job done for this busy mom!  Maybe it could work for you too!

How do you fit workouts into your day?


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